Slide Intelligent Management Software Solutions for production development and quality improvement for businesses View Data Sheet & Demo Videos Slide Intelligent Management Software Solutions for production development and quality improvement for businesses View Data Sheet & Demo Videos

Improve Quality of Production Line

i-MAG is built on the basis of manufacturing factory IoT development for the purpose of report-based operation management, reducing production costs due to energy loss, and analyzing returned data to help businesses product development and product quality control on each line. With fully integrated features for manufacturing (i-MAG OEE), production monitoring (i-MAG Product), energy consumption data collection for manufacturing plants and monitoring Machine operation parameters, iMAG software helps enterprises to optimize production processes, as well as promptly make the right policies to help businesses grow.

Configurable Solutions To Optimize Operations For Every Facility

Configurable Solutions To Any Monitoring Devices

iMAG combines digitized factory IoT development technology with data and devices to drive productivity improvements across the entire chain.

Integrated technology that replaces limited solutions with a single platform that includes OEE, Product, Energy, P.M.

Integrated data helps to capture all mobile data such as tablets, phones, automatic data such as PLC and connected data in real time.

Integrated device for access with a single app on any device (Android, iOS or Microsoft)

Real Time Display With Optimal Quality Control

i-MAG’s analytics tools provide real-time business-wide interfaces and reports to help business owners make better plant decisions in a timely manner.

iMAG helps maximize factory production capacity by monitoring and identifying problems facing machines and lines to improve start-up times and reduce unplanned downtime.

Comply with factory digitization safety rules by eliminating paperwork, automating audits, sending reports to business owners.

i-MAG Is Built To Performance’s Needs Of Each Industry

Consumer Goods Industry

Make the complex simple.
HACCP, GFSI, GMP & more.

Go Faster

F&B industry

Fits everywhere.
Old equipment or new facility.
No problem.

Let's Go


When “good enough” isn’t.
Delight your customers.

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